Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Introduction to Real Room Escape Games

The so called Room Escape or Exit Games, were - for me - the biggest "woow" of the year! Until this spring, I didn't even know these things existed :P ...though they were around (at least in Europe) for some years now.

I wish someone had told me about Room Escape games sooner! 
Now, I'm telling you ;)

So... we were on a small trip in Europe. We reached Prague - with absolutely no idea or plan on what to visit there, besides the classic city tour. Prague is great, by the way! :-)
I asked for something interesting to do, Tripadvisor came up with this suggestion: "MindMaze exit game!"

When I heard "mind maze", I was already intrigued...
Before booking a game, we read the basics about "Exit Games":
The team (2 to 4/5 players) are locked up inside a room and they have 60minutes to get out, meaning they must find the "key", from the inside!
In order to unlock the door (or to solve the mission), the team must work together to find clues, keys to the locks and solve all sorts riddles, puzzles to break the codes of the code-locks, to find more clues..and so on, 'till the mission is solved (or 'till time's up). 

I'm not sure about you, but for me, that was enough information, to look forward to this challenge! I've always loved logical puzzles and anything that involved connecting the dots :-)
Besides, this was actually a real game! not a PC* game, not a board game! 
We, the members of the team, were actually the meeples and the room was our playing board :)
*)actually there are also online exit games, good for practice, before going on a real mission ;;)

I loved that game more than I would have expected... There's logic, collaboration, communication, team-work... all in real-time! 
I was really impressed by the set-up, puzzles ideas and by the outcome! I cannot giveaway any setup or game details - even though I'd love to, cause they are smartly made and interesting - but it would spoil the game for future players.

You can only play one game once! After you have revealed the secret codes, found the keys and unlocked the door (or at least completed part of the mission), there's no fun and challenge in doing that again.
But, the good part is that each game location is different and the game-providers rethink the games from time to time. Usually one game provider offers several game-rooms (with different themes).

Since Prague, we've Escaped (or Not! :P) from several Games around Europe... and everywhere I go, I search for such games... usually you can book them online, which makes it easy!

From all these experiences, here's an overview, without revealing too much ;;)

Each game is different in the story line, layout, location, goal, but the main ideas are the same:
- the game's location consists of a room or several rooms
- it can be played in teams of 2 up to 4 or even 6 people (depending on the size of the location)
- the group is locked* inside and has 60 minutes - on the clock - to escape**
 *of course not literally locked, you can quit and exit at any time if you don't like the game
 **depending on the "game provider" the goal of the game may be to actually unlock the door, or it can vary (e.g. open a vault and find a treasure, or other story-lines)
- when the team manages to complete the mission in time (less then 60 minutes), they win (or successfully completed the mission)otherwise, they fail the mission and the game ends.
- the Game Moderator may help you during the game (either by walkie talkie, or other communication means)

During the game, the goal is to find clues inside the room(s), that will help you unlock e.g. drawers / boxes / parts of furniture or doors to other rooms in the game!
You and your friends must pay attention to each detail in the game and team members must constantly exchange information, for a successful mission!

Don't miss a chance to try the real experience!
Just google "room escape" or "exit game", whenever you're looking for something fun to do in your town or in vacation!

Below are some of my favorites, that I found the most challenging! Enjoy! ;;)

Room Escape Vienna
Exit Games Timisoara